Monday, May 10, 2010

More gluten contamination........

This blog is urgent as once again I've encountered a really awful and
sick making abuse of GF foods.

So please take note other Gi sufferers if not once again you may fall sick as I did and again reason was millet seeds. Ill try to be brief, I bought apa cket of organic maize meal from company 'Natures Own '. All over front of packet is emblazoned Gluten/wheat free. To my detrement I took that on face valuue and once home the product was added to my GF bread mix.

Lunch time next day I ate the crust of the new GF loaf of bread. Would
have taken about half and hour after lunch I began feeling usual
Gluten attck symptoms. In disbelief my mind ran through any new food
products that may haveslipped though my sual vigilant food radar. The
only new product was maize meal other than maize grain.

Carefuly I read every word on packet and whenI began same process on
back of packet was mortified to see printed under ingredients Millet
seeds.Millet allergic reactions range from mild to anaphalaxic. In my
case I was fortunate in one way that my homeopth husband had made up a
new homeopath fix he was hoping to trial (when I had )next gluten
attack and here was the attack he needed. IT WORKED

But what if like many other GIs husbands who follwed other carreers?.
Most certainly they would have spent rest of weekened in bed but if
like many ive read of on net have severe allergy reaction anaphalaxic
they might evern pass on!. I contacted company and was virtually
laughed at they said they knew about mistake and blamed printer. They
asked me to send packet to them as it was thier understanding that no
millet meal had been in packet(even though Id been sick before I knew
about millet written on back).

Understand other sufferers thats the reason for my monetry membership
webpage' Gluten free exposed' which will allow me to pursure such
balatant abuse Legally. If membership doesn't allow me the ability to
stop these supposed GF free companies all I can do is warn you of
thier shonky practices. My real concern is for those poor souls who
dont have a computer to follow such warnings. Make no mistake other Gi
people this abuse verges on war based on monetry gain.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Isi's Gluten Free Living & Lifestyle

Hi all, seems there is a real quandary within the Gluten free industry, for want of a better word. Pretty appropriate actually, because quandary's meaning in the dictionary is dilemma, or state of being unsure. Without blowing my trumpet I know what is at the root of this appalling condition, and feel angered that it has been let drift without address. I've mentioned before about the web site my son set up for me and once again urge you to take a peep. Gluten Free

Absolutely free to take a peek, but should you decide to take the next step, and become a certified member of Isi's Gluten Free group, you will be in for heaps of health information that will assist in the repairing of our damagaed villi that line our intestines, plus the name of the only known herb that was sent from above it seems, to heal and repair our damaged intestinal walls. And the really GOOD news is, its achieved without drugs. On a financial level, think what you will save on further trips to expensive medicos. Like I said, like it or not we are 'different' , so why not accrue new knowledge that will help improve our damaged body. Choice is yours "Onwards and upwards" is best choice.
If not we will continue slipping down the slippery slope of a damaged digestive system. Please take time to think about what you have just read Bye for now with genuine concern. Fellow Gluten sufferer. Isi

Monday, April 19, 2010

the truth about gluten free foods

Hi worry wort Isi again but this time im biting the bullet, no more skirting around truth, 'Onwards and Upwards' is my catch cry so lets cry out.
Due to legal ramifications I've skirted around topic that initiated my quest to make others alert of HUGE LOOP hole in marketing of Gluten free. So please without amymore dillying dalling around go to gluten free and put yur email in so you can find out the trith about gluten free foods.
Sign in and absord the hidden truth as to why every day around the world some one is going to fall sick to gluten infection no matter how hard they try to stay free of it. Bye Isi

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Watch your tooth brushes gluten intolerant people!

Hi GI friends think about this, next time you clean your teeth and pop brush back into same holder as other family members who are gluten eaters. Or horror of horrors, kiss your loved ones after they have finished eating gluten food. Extreme maybe for some, who woud be termed low GI sufferers, but for me I have no choice, but to lift my awareness of areas of gluten infection, or be sick again and again..

Oh happy days, can be if were careful. bye Isi

Sunday, April 11, 2010

gluten free expert gets caught out with contamination!

Well folks it happened, here I am pounding the keys about dangers we face when inadvertently eating Gluten, and walked in, (eyes wide open) to a really nasty gluten attack.

It’s because I’m a firm believer in fate, and believe nothing ever happens just by chance that I feel rushed to explain what happened to me thereby hopefully preventing you and many like you becoming as sick I was, just 2 days ago. I still feel bit squeezy but am able to function at a low energy level. Any way this is what you must be aware of buying, in belief it’s a safe food for Celiacs/ GI.

It’s a packet of corn biscuits. On the packet it claims to be organic and wheat gluten free but what I didn’t read in small print was warning that the corn biscuits were made on same equipment as seeds. I know that some Celiac’s claim they can eat millet seeds I’ve always steered clear of them after finding out the hard way that they made me sick. Because of that I’m thinking that seeds were millet seeds I can’t name brand due to legalities involved, but can tell you what it looks like. Its two thirds yellow in colour with an orange base, and made in OZ. So there you are, my only excuse to myself is that I was in a hurry, had quick scan and missed small print. Suppose my message for the day is always read small print.

Bye for now Isi Keller

gluten free easter time behind us

By now Easter is well behind us as we power on to the next reason to celebrate or another religious occasion. Really macabre how our need to accentuate a special time of year is always with food.

Well take Easter for example, right around the globe chocolate factories would have been in seventh heaven, as would bakers of hot cross buns. But not the waists of those indulging in these Easter treats.

Right about now is when we Gluten Intolerant/Celiac sufferers stand away from incredible weight gain by our gluten wheat brethren. And all accrued over a period of only two days. Sure we can try and make our own buns and carefully source a chocolate that is guaranteed not to be made on equipment that may have been contaminated by wheat/gluten

This is really why we GI people should raise our glasses to what was once thought of an adversary but now is the reason why we can stand on the scales after Easter without shrinking back in horror.

Next time you’re shopping check out the waistlines of others in check out queue. In my estimation most of weight gain around the world is due to abuse of easy/ cheap food found in carbohydrates like glutenous breads.

We all remember what that glutinous bread used to taste like don’t we. Really yummy and how different our GF breads are in taste no matter how hard we all try to reach that same taste in gluten bread. I bit like when pursuing a really healthy eating we no longer have that yummy taste factor when cooking free of oil.

Bottom line is choice big time, although due to feeling sick we are made to walk the straight gluten free pathway whether we want to or not . The really GOOD news and one of the fringe benefits no doubt, is a thinner waist line than our gluten eating friends.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Gluten free anti depressants

Hi GI folks. Just thought if depression shifts in from time to time when treading the GF pathway you might like to know (should you visit you GP to see if can help lift the depression with a prescribed drug that it would be wise to go armed with the name of a safe GF drug.

There are probably more but I’ve researched 2 for you to use that are Gluten free.
One is called ZOLOFTI, the other is, SERTRALINE.

Just thought if I were going ‘that’ way I’d like to know which drug was GF. I mean bad enough to be fighting the sleeping dragon called depression.

But then to have it compounded with a drug that then wakes another sleeping dragon called Gluten intolerant is just not on.
Hope this helps those walking that pathway,

Bye for now Isi Keller

gluten intolerance at easter time

EASTER time is when we GI people feel a bit sad, and more than likely not for the religious reason, but sad (some might say even morose) because we can’t celebrate Easter Sunday, with the traditional hot cross bun with lashings of butter and honey.

BUT I do have some good news on that front, because sick of feeling left out when my husband gleefully toasted his buns for breakfast I determined to make my own Gf buns and it worked. I’ve added it to my cook book, but can tell you here that basically it’s a matter of using packet Gf bread mixture, along with a bit of ingenuity I gleaned from my master baker father when he was alive.

I have to say it was worth the effort, as they toasted beautifully. Feeling rather jubilant I then proceeded to make up a batch of GF bread rolls which I ate last night. Once a week in our house we enjoy naughty but nice food, and tofu hamburgers is our weak point.

But like the hot cross buns I usually have to make do with 2 slices of GF bread instead of the REAL hamburger rolls my husband enjoys. Not so last night this time my hamburger looked like his. A REAL PLUS for GI people I must say.

Bye for now Isi Keller.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gluten allergy symptoms

Winters coming down south in Oz land, so usually this is the season for increased visits to GP’s with sore throats etc.

Okay for most I suppose, but what about we GI people. Bad enough feeling as if a bus hit you, blocked up everything, along with a really worrying cough (usually the main reason for antibiotics) > But if you carry GI there’s a fair chance that you could be ingesting Gluten along with it. Low grade is how its rated but anyone who carries a “vigorous “ strong allergy, rather than a “pussycat one” weak, will now be feeling nauseous as well as an all to familiar pain grips your torso.
And certainly an increased weakness though out the entire body. In this case the cure seems worse than the complaint.

This is the reason I’ve researched this problem and tried to come up with a list of antibiotics that ARE gluten free. And will be found on my web site gluten free exposed.
It’s a sixteen-week course and the list will be seen at the six-week mark. Pretty comprehensible too. Bye for now Isi.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

gluten free sufferers, Im glad you found me.

Okay most family members know me as a worry wart. So I care…a lot. This caring has now moved into the mainstream of life where im anxious to help others ignorant of some really scary facts I’ve unearthed about GLUTEN INTOLERANT people one of which I am.

PLEASE don’t laugh or shrug this off check out my web page my son set up allowing me to reach others in same boat. Believe me its mind blowing! TRUE

Ive just started writing articles over at ezine articles, so as soon as I have the link i will put it on this blog, thanks a lot and take care,


pathetic gluten free breads ! - make your own!

Hi thought I’d have a little sorry for myself chat as a GI sufferer. Basically I’m referring to the dreadful standard of what is termed the STAFF of life. God help all GI people is all I can say.unless like me they have in desperation sort out a way to make a comparable (FANTASTIC REALLY) loaf of bread in every way, other than its free of gluten which makes GI people sick. You can check out the loaf in my weekly gluten free membership site, Click this link >>>>> Gluten Free to go to the front page.

Mine only takes 5 minutes to make up and is on my web page my son set up for me after seeing how many anomalies (fibs ) centred around being diagnosed as GI. (GLUTEN INTOLERANT).

Gluten and the pores of your skin


I’m on the war path after reading on a Celiac forum that Quote ”Gluten cant escape into the pores of the skin”. How wrong is that!. Agreed we aren’t all rhode scholars or even science/medical students but come on. Most having a normal high school education know that the SKIN is our BIGGEST eliminative organ. And yes if it comes in contact with Gluten/wheat and you’re allergic to it watch out BIG TIME..

What is the difference between celiac & gluten free?

Hi okay bet there are many reading this who are at a loss to understand what is the difference between the two.

First off not much I THINK, other than a certain snob effect I’ve noticed when touring around forums run by Coeliacs.

Perhaps its because the word Celiac originated from Greek language and means Abdominal Wall.

Celiacs are known to say that their allergy is to wheat not gluten. My mind boggles at such talk I mean, it’s simply impossible to have one without the other. The protein in wheat is called ‘gliadin aprolamin’ the Gluten protein factor.

The coeliacs may say that they can separate the two allowing them to eat wheat free of gluten. I DON’T THINK SO due to the contamination factor.

Speaking for myself I’ve fallen sick many times directly due to this contamination factor. Are we really meant to believe that grains are handled in same way as they are in a micro lab, white coats and all