Thursday, March 25, 2010

gluten free sufferers, Im glad you found me.

Okay most family members know me as a worry wart. So I care…a lot. This caring has now moved into the mainstream of life where im anxious to help others ignorant of some really scary facts I’ve unearthed about GLUTEN INTOLERANT people one of which I am.

PLEASE don’t laugh or shrug this off check out my web page my son set up allowing me to reach others in same boat. Believe me its mind blowing! TRUE

Ive just started writing articles over at ezine articles, so as soon as I have the link i will put it on this blog, thanks a lot and take care,


pathetic gluten free breads ! - make your own!

Hi thought I’d have a little sorry for myself chat as a GI sufferer. Basically I’m referring to the dreadful standard of what is termed the STAFF of life. God help all GI people is all I can say.unless like me they have in desperation sort out a way to make a comparable (FANTASTIC REALLY) loaf of bread in every way, other than its free of gluten which makes GI people sick. You can check out the loaf in my weekly gluten free membership site, Click this link >>>>> Gluten Free to go to the front page.

Mine only takes 5 minutes to make up and is on my web page my son set up for me after seeing how many anomalies (fibs ) centred around being diagnosed as GI. (GLUTEN INTOLERANT).

Gluten and the pores of your skin


I’m on the war path after reading on a Celiac forum that Quote ”Gluten cant escape into the pores of the skin”. How wrong is that!. Agreed we aren’t all rhode scholars or even science/medical students but come on. Most having a normal high school education know that the SKIN is our BIGGEST eliminative organ. And yes if it comes in contact with Gluten/wheat and you’re allergic to it watch out BIG TIME..

What is the difference between celiac & gluten free?

Hi okay bet there are many reading this who are at a loss to understand what is the difference between the two.

First off not much I THINK, other than a certain snob effect I’ve noticed when touring around forums run by Coeliacs.

Perhaps its because the word Celiac originated from Greek language and means Abdominal Wall.

Celiacs are known to say that their allergy is to wheat not gluten. My mind boggles at such talk I mean, it’s simply impossible to have one without the other. The protein in wheat is called ‘gliadin aprolamin’ the Gluten protein factor.

The coeliacs may say that they can separate the two allowing them to eat wheat free of gluten. I DON’T THINK SO due to the contamination factor.

Speaking for myself I’ve fallen sick many times directly due to this contamination factor. Are we really meant to believe that grains are handled in same way as they are in a micro lab, white coats and all