Sunday, April 11, 2010

gluten free easter time behind us

By now Easter is well behind us as we power on to the next reason to celebrate or another religious occasion. Really macabre how our need to accentuate a special time of year is always with food.

Well take Easter for example, right around the globe chocolate factories would have been in seventh heaven, as would bakers of hot cross buns. But not the waists of those indulging in these Easter treats.

Right about now is when we Gluten Intolerant/Celiac sufferers stand away from incredible weight gain by our gluten wheat brethren. And all accrued over a period of only two days. Sure we can try and make our own buns and carefully source a chocolate that is guaranteed not to be made on equipment that may have been contaminated by wheat/gluten

This is really why we GI people should raise our glasses to what was once thought of an adversary but now is the reason why we can stand on the scales after Easter without shrinking back in horror.

Next time you’re shopping check out the waistlines of others in check out queue. In my estimation most of weight gain around the world is due to abuse of easy/ cheap food found in carbohydrates like glutenous breads.

We all remember what that glutinous bread used to taste like don’t we. Really yummy and how different our GF breads are in taste no matter how hard we all try to reach that same taste in gluten bread. I bit like when pursuing a really healthy eating we no longer have that yummy taste factor when cooking free of oil.

Bottom line is choice big time, although due to feeling sick we are made to walk the straight gluten free pathway whether we want to or not . The really GOOD news and one of the fringe benefits no doubt, is a thinner waist line than our gluten eating friends.

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